Welcome To Britechx

motorcycle service centre

Project Highlights

Project Overview

Motorcycle and Scooter Service Centre

Motorcycle and Scooter Service Centre


When the Motorcycle Service Centre approached us, they faced two significant challenges. Firstly, they were experiencing a decline in sales, directly linked to their second challenge: a lack of brand recognition. Prospective customers need help understanding the value proposition of Motorcycle Service Centre, leading to reduced sales. Even for those who made a purchase, there needed to be more clarity about their buying decision, resulting in minimal repeat orders and virtually no customer engagement.

The Brtiechx Solution

After conducting deep research, we built the client a new brand from scratch. This included a new logo and new written content filled with emotionally written benefits. We also redesigned their website with a new color palette aligned with their new brand. To increase brand visibility, we implemented a two-fold strategy of SEO and paid ads on Facebook and Instagram.
